
04/12/2011 00:06


In more baby news, ’s baby is due in December, not in February as previously believed so this fakepregnancy is moving along faster than expected. When  pointed at her baby bump and said, “Hey, everyone, look at me,” at the Video Music Awards, people assumed she was three months pregnant.
Not true. Newly unearthed behind-the-scenes footage from her “Countdown” music video shoot reveals she’s much further along 
The secret is out! The gender of Beyonce’s baby has been revealed and all we can say is we really hope Jay loves, “Girls, Girls, Girls.”


Beyonce’s BFF Kelly Rowland let the cat out of the bag during an interview with BANG Showbiz, saying, “I have no idea what I’m going to buy Beyonce at the baby shower because Jay is going to buy that little girl every single thing possible. She won’t be spoiled but she will be very well looked-after.”